Friday, April 06, 2007

Pizza everywhere!

If you've ever spent any time in Seattle you'll know what I'm talking about when I say there's a terriyaki restaurant on just about every corner. Well here in Copenhagen it's the same thing with pizza places. You can't walk 2 blocks without running into some little place that sells pizza. In fact, there is a takeout place right across from our front door - we can see it if we look out our front windows. In such establishments you can usually also pick up sandwiches or even Shawarma.


SXYMMA said...

Is the pizza different than the pizza we're used to here?

How did the house inspection go?


How did you get Sasha over there? Did you take her on the plane with you?

Anonymous said...

Do they put mayonaisse on their pizza? Those crazy Euros put mayonaisse on everything.